Welcome to VWVBS!

Week 7 - Daniel


Hey Kids!

Here is this weeks video!

We are super excited to have Anthony telling us the story of Daniel this week. Daniel’s story is found in the Bible in Daniel 3.

Watch the Video!

We will sing songs, hear our story, have an object lesson and look at our craft/activities for the week.

Grab your VWVBS Take Home Kit, inside there will be a ziploc labeled for this week - everything that you will need for the craft /activity will be there!

Have a friend joining you this week?? That’s fantastic! Here is a .pdf of all our printables for this week.

This Weeks memory Verse:

“He recuses and saves his people; he performs miraculous signs and wonders.” Daniel 6:27a


God is so good to people how trust and obey Him!

If you would like to hear more about Daniel check out these other great storytellers.

Group Music

Looking for more great songs to sing a long too?

We have loved the music and actions from Group Publishing for years at VBS - check out this link!


Do you like to talk to Tomatoes? Can a Squash make you smile?

Check out "Where’s God When I’m Scared? ” told by your favourite veggies! (Daniel’s story is the second story in this episode)

Take a Picture!

Get your Mom or Dad to take a picture of you doing VWVBS this week. (Doing your craft, Singing along, saying your memory verse) We are going to make a video at the end of the summer.

Send them to Stacy at 403 741 5249 or email ashollandfamily@gmail.com