We want you to have a living, breathing, walking, talking relationship with Jesus - here are some resources to get you started!


The Bible

The Bible is awesome! It’s God’s love letter to us - Read it!

If you don’t have a bible contact us and we will get you one!

You can also check out this great app lots of us use. It’s fun to connect with each other through the app and read together.


RightNow Media

We’re here to serve the church. We provide Christians across the globe with resources that will inspire them to champion the mission Jesus gave to his people—making disciples of all nations.

God calls us to focus our lives on him rather than on ourselves. Whether in church, in the workplace, or at home, we want to see disciples of Jesus loving God and loving others.

This is Christian Netflix - Contact us to sign up for this FREE resource!


Kids of Integrity

This is a great resource from Focus on the Family. It is a set of free, downloadable lesson plans that help parents instill Christ-honouring character traits in their kids.

While we all have a little more time at home - check it out!


Worship Music Library

Follow the link to access BBC’s worship music library.

* You will need a password.


Senior High Bible Study Resources