Elders’ Council

Please prayerfully consider who you might nominate!

Elder Qualifications and Responsibilities

1.     Elders are responsible for the spiritual leadership of the Church.  The roles of the Elders’ Council are:

a.     Prayer – the Elders at BBC are responsible to engage in prayer; and encourage and empower prayer within the Church

b.     Mentoring – the Elders at BBC engage in and lead the discipleship of other leaders

c.      Vision – the Elders at BBC function as a policy-making body that set the vision, goals and strategy for the present and future ministry of the Church.  Elders seek the will and heart of God.

d.     Oversight and support of the Lead Pastor – the Elders at BBC give oversight and support to the Lead Pastor

e.     Church Membership – the Elders at BBC are responsible for interviewing and approving baptismal candidates; interviewing and nominating new members; and encouraging right relationships within the church.  The Elders are also responsible for Church discipline.

2.     Elders must be members in good standing of Brownfield Baptist Church.

3.     Elders must be in agreement with the BBC Statement of Faith, Covenant and Values.

4.     Elders must demonstrate the qualities of an Elder as outlined in I Tim 3:1-13 and Titus 1:5-9.

5.     Elders must demonstrate a lifestyle that exemplifies Biblical standards of moral behaviour.

6.     Elders must demonstrate spiritual, emotional and personal maturity in their interactions with others.

7.     Elders must respect and protect privileged information to which they have access in the course of their duties.

8.     Elders are responsible to represent the congregation in regards to legal and fiscal matters.

9.     The Elders’ Council will be made up of 3 or 4 couples as well as the Senior Pastor couple.  The Elder Couples will serve 3- or 4-year terms so that one Couple would usually rotate off the Council each year.  This creates both continuity and freshness.

10.  The Elders’ Council will select the Church Chairperson at their first meeting of each year.  This would usually be one of the Elders in their third or fourth year of service.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1.      Do I have to speak to the person I am nominating before I submit the nomination?

People being nominated need to be able to accept or decline the nomination.  It is a great opportunity to encourage the person being nominated by identifying the gifts noted in that person.

2.      I have a heart for one of these ministries.  Can I nominate myself?

Our desire is to have people serving out of a heart for ministry.  It is wonderful when people identify their vision to the leadership of the Church.  In this case, you are encouraged to speak with the Pastor or an Elder or Ministry Team Leader on the Nominating Committee.  They can help you discern your gifts and vision and do the nomination for you.

3.      I am interested in serving as one of the Ministry Team Leaders that are not up for nomination this year.  Can I be nominated into a position that is currently filled?

At this time our processes do not allow for that, but you are encouraged to speak with the Pastor or an Elder or Ministry Team Leader on the Nominating Committee and they can help you discern your gifts and vision and help you find a way to serve.