Brownfield & District Grow Project
2020 Celebration
It all begins with an opportunity. In 1983, Brownfield farmers began to partner with the Canadian Baptist Ministries and Canadian Foodgrains Bank in a Christian response to hunger and send food to where it was needed most around the world. We are still partnering today!
Together with partnered churches in Calgary and Mississauga, we produce Crops and Cattle to donate towards food aid around the world. Through the Canadian Foodgrains Bank our donations can be matched at up to a 4 to 1 ratio by the Canadian Government!
Canadian Foodgrains Bank
CFGB is rooted in the belief that humankind is created in the image of God and that it is God’s desire that no person should go hungry.
What is hunger?
For most people, the idea of global hunger evokes heartbreaking images of people suffering through extended famine or drought. While this type of acute hunger exists, it only accounts for around 16% of the total number of people facing hunger in the world.
A more complete definition of hunger includes when people do not have enough food—or enough nutritious food—over a long period of time. This kind of chronic hunger is less visible but has major effects on people’s lives. When the body is not being properly nourished, it compensates by slowing down physical and mental activities. This affects children’s growth, concentration at school and work, and weakens the immune system, making people more vulnerable to disease.
It is estimated that over 690 million people are facing hunger worldwide and do not enjoy “food security,” meaning they do not have regular access to enough nutritious food to live healthy and active lives