
Renee had a CT scan today and she has large blood clots which are making her heart race. The heart is also enlarged on one side and pneumonia is also playing a part. She is not out of the woods at all. Please keep praying - She is really struggling today.


So things aren’t good. Large blood clots in my lungs. They should eventually break down. Might be months. They are watching my heart closely. It’s enlarged on one side. Will keep on antibiotics. Use CPAP as much as needed to rest my body.
The heart is racing because it’s pushing against blood clots. The best way to pray is for the clots to break down. The antibiotics to clear up pneumonia. I’m not out of the woods yet.

- Renee

Things are not looking good with Renee. Her heart is not handling this extra work and they are now prepping to intubate her in case that is the route they decide to go - which seems likely as they don’t see another way to help her right now. This is all very hard. Please pray for a miracle.




