Romans Resources

The Bible: How Do You Understand It?

The Gospel

We have been investigating what it means to understand the Bible as God's Word to us. That raises the question of how to read and study Scripture in a way that enables us to catch its intended meaning. This message provides a practical framework for understanding and applying what the ancient text of Scripture says to us as followers of Jesus today.

Inductive Bible Study

The Bible declares that it is the voice of God recorded for the benefit of His creation. If you have a desire to study the Bible, it is because God wants to speak to you. God’s primary means of speaking to mankind is through the Bible. No matter what other people say about God, or experiences you or others have, it all must be tested by the Word of God, the Bible. Inductive Bible study is the best way to become established in God’s word.

Observation, Interpretation, & Application.

For decades, InterVarsity’s ministry on campus has centered around manuscript Bible study, invented by InterVarsity staff Paul Byer in the 1950s. Manuscript study contains the three aspects of inductive Bible study: observation, interpretation, and application.

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The Message of Romans: The Bible Speaks Today

When Paul first penned his letter to the house churches of Rome, his purpose was to gain prayerful support for his coming mission to the western reaches of the Mediterranean world. Little did he know that for two millennia this tautly tuned exposition of the gospel would echo through church and academy, market and home. Or that it would leap great oceans to reverberate through lands and hearts beyond the farthest edges of his world.

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Romans, Michael DeFazio

In this RightNow Media series, Michael DeFazio (New Testament faculty at Ozark Christian College) will walk through the book of Romans to clarify the Gospel, unify the church, and prove God’s righteousness.

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Romans: Theology for Everybody

Paul’s letter to the Romans is widely considered his most towering theological work. This helps explain why it is listed first among Paul’s letters in the Bible, even though it was not written first. In this way, the order of Paul’s writings shows that Romans is of the first order. Not only has Romans impacted the history of the church, it can also impact the history of your life. For a free download of the Romans 1-5 study guide, visit

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Passage: Romans 1:1-16:27

Preacher/Author: Mark Dever

Series: Ideas for the Times

Title: Justification: The Message of Romans
Series: Ideas for the Times
Speaker: Dr. Mark Dever

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Paul’s Magnus Opus

In his letter to the Roman church, Paul makes clear the problem of sin. The people of Israel tried to obey God and follow the law, but they failed, generation after generation. But Jesus made a new way for redemption and brokered a new convenant. Only faith in Jesus can redeem humanity and restore God's plan for his people.

Through Jesus, God created a new covenant family that includes Jews and Gentiles who are unified as they love and forgive each other.

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CNLP 374: Anne Graham Lotz on Growing Up in Billy Graham’s Home, How Culture is Changing, and Why Many Leaders Struggle with Prayer

Anne Graham Lotz talks about growing up in Billy and Ruth Graham’s home, what she learned from her father and mother, how culture and communication has changed, and about how she’s struggled in her own prayer life and how she developed strategies to deepen her walk with God any leader can adapt.