
Nominations are now open!

Please prayerfully consider who you might nominate!

As a Ministry Team Leader (MTL), the Treasurer will:

Fulfill the Scriptural qualities of a Deacon noted in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.

  • Be a leader who relies on the Holy Spirit to serve.

  • Be a member of Brownfield Baptist Church.

  • Be a team player, and will work in cooperation with the Elders and the other leaders of the Ministry Team, as a member of the Ministry Team.

  • Learn people’s names and feel a sense of responsibility for the whole Church.

  • Prepare a yearly Ministry Plan which includes setting goals and preparing a budget in consultation with the people working in that ministry and the other Ministry Team Leaders.

  • Manage the tasks, scheduling and the various details of their ministry area.

  • Maintain the budget for that ministry.

  • Fill vacancies within their ministry area in consultation with the other Ministry Team Leaders.

  • Attend the Ministry Team meetings expected to be held a minimum of 6 times a year.

  • Do reports for the Quarterly/Annual Congregational Meetings.

  • Maintain communication with and support the other Ministry Team Leaders.

The Treasurer specific roles are:

  1. Maintain accounting records and prepare reports for the Church Congregation, Ministry Team and Elders’ Council.

  2. Record bank deposits and reconcile to tellers’ weekly report.

  3. Report all adjustments relative to donors’ receipts to Recording Secretary ie:  returned cheques.

  4. Record and deposit miscellaneous receipts received for the church.

  5. Provide leadership within the Ministry Team and on the Budget & Personnel Committee.

  6. Has signing authority for the Brownfield Baptist Church bank account(s).

  7. Accountable to the Elders Council.

  8. May not be an Elder.

  9. Be at less 18 years of age.

Reprinted from the BBC Financial Policies:

  1. Giving is an act of worship. Handling and maintaining of the church funds is also part of worship. Therefore, we need to make prayerful, wise decisions regarding both the church funds and individuals asked to provide leadership in this area. 

  2. The Treasurer, Recording Secretary and Head Teller are nominated and elected by the congregation for a three-year term and may be re-elected for one additional term before taking a sabbatical from that position for a minimum of one year. 

  3. All individuals who are handling the money in the Church (Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Head Teller, and the Tellers) must be 18 years of age or over.

  4. Those holding financial positions will be in possession of confidential information of church members. They must be members in good standing of Brownfield Baptist Church and people of integrity, and discretion. Confidentiality agreements will be required. 

  5. When two or more individuals are dealing with the offerings of the church, it is important that they have an “arm’s length” (see note below) relationship as required by the Canada Revenue Agency. 

  6. Signing authority for the Brownfield Baptist Church bank account(s) will be held by the Treasurer, the Recording Secretary and one designated member who is not an Elder. 

  7. Orientation and training will be offered to those in these roles. 

Defining Arm’s Length: 

Individuals connected by blood relationship, marriage, common-law partnership, or adoption are related person. 

Blood relationship: 

  • A parent and a child (or other descendent, such as a grandchild or great-grandchild) or a brother and a sister. 

  • Child includes a person of whom the individual is the legal parent, child of the individual’s spouse, son-in-law, or daughter-in-law of the individual or their spouse. 

  • Brother and sister include the spouse of an individual’s brother or sister. 


  • Two persons are connected by marriage when one person is married to the other or to another who is connected by blood relationship to their spouse. 


  • Two individuals are connected by adoption if one is the adopted child of the other. An individual who is connected by blood (except a brother or sister) to another individual will be connected by adoption to that person’s adopted child. Therefore, individuals are connected by adoption to their adoptive children, parents, and grandparents. 

  • Adoption includes legal adoption and an adoption in fact. 

Please see Appendix or access the Canada Revenue Agency website for more information regarding arm’s length here.

(Approved Oct 28/2020. Wording revisions approved by Elders Mar 15/2022 to reflect implementation. 

Nomination Process

1.  The Nominating Committee is composed of 2 Elders, 2 Ministry Team Leaders, 2 Members at Large, and the Pastor.  The Chair of the Committee is one of the Elders, and is selected by the Elders’ Council.

2.  At the October Quarterly Congregational Meeting, the Members at Large are selected.

3.  Nomination forms will be handed out in late October or early November and nominations will be open for 3 Sundays.

4.  Nominations may be made by any member of the Church.  It is wise that nominations be made by someone who is “arms length” from the nominee (ie. A wife should not nominate her husband.  A father should not nominate his daughter.)

5.  Nominees are asked to complete an application form which will assist the Nominating Committee to understand their heart for that ministry.  Application forms are available from the Chair of the Nominating Committee or the Pastor.

6.  Completed Nomination and Application Forms can be given to any member of the Nominating Committee.

7.  The Nominating Committee (and the Church as a whole) will pray for this process and each individual nominated.

8. Each candidate for a position will be interviewed by the Nominating Committee. 

9.  Through prayer and discernment the Committee will seek unity in what they perceive the Spirit is leading the Committee to do.  If a vote is needed, a 2/3 majority is required.

10.  If someone is in conflict of interest, then they should remove themselves from that discussion/vote. 

11.  The Nominating Committee will walk in unity after the process is complete.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1.      Do I have to speak to the person I am nominating before I submit the nomination?

People being nominated need to be able to accept or decline the nomination.  It is a great opportunity to encourage the person being nominated by identifying the gifts noted in that person.

2.      I have a heart for one of these ministries.  Can I nominate myself?

Our desire is to have people serving out of a heart for ministry.  It is wonderful when people identify their vision to the leadership of the Church.  In this case, you are encouraged to speak with the Pastor or an Elder or Ministry Team Leader on the Nominating Committee.  They can help you discern your gifts and vision and do the nomination for you.

3.      I am interested in serving as one of the Ministry Team Leaders that are not up for nomination this year.  Can I be nominated into a position that is currently filled?

At this time our processes do not allow for that, but you are encouraged to speak with the Pastor or an Elder or Ministry Team Leader on the Nominating Committee and they can help you discern your gifts and vision and help you find a way to serve.