Update & Prayer

Renee is steady as yesterday. Just waiting to see how things continue with her kidneys. No dialysis so far since taking her off yesterday. Potassium is climbing a bit and that's the indicator they need to watch if they have to intervene There are other indicators to watch but so far so good. Gave extra fluid this morning to encourage the kidneys to start to work but so far haven’t responded but it didn’t sound like that was cause for alarm. Heart is good. Decreasing the sedative. Could take a long time to come out of coma. But that's direction they're going. Using a little bit of meds to support her blood pressure. She still has a fever but not worse than before.


Message from Phil - We are just leaving Edmonton. Renee is stable. I feel a lot better than at the beginning of the week. Still has a temperature. Still some uncertainty how good her heart will be after all this. Please keep praying for blood clots to dissolve. Positive things are that they adjust the oxygen machine so she starts to do the breathing on her own and not the machine doing it all. Dallen and I spent some time with her today. It was good. Going home thankful to our great God for sustaining us.

- Phil


Keep Praying!


Update From Myrna