Update From Myrna
1 pm
The nurses say don’t get too excited as there can still be lots of ups and downs but I can’t help but be excited about some of the answers to prayer already today.
1. They are doing the isolation clean right now and she is off official Covid isolation because of the time frame since she tested positive or first got sick! This means we can still see her even if she gets off the intubation, it also means we only need the masks to come and visit her and not all the PPE!
2. The doctor was happy this morning to see how much better the circulation is in her feet, the colour, warmth, etc. and her oxygen required is down to 40% it was 45% yesterday. So that made them decide to make some some changes to start cutting her back on some things to see how she handles that. One of them is trying intermittent dialysis instead of continuous.
Please pray that she handles these cutbacks. They are monitoring her closely to see how she does and can easily up some of these again as needed. They don’t want to change things too suddenly but they are talking about slowly starting to cut back the sedation but don’t think that will be for a few days but I guess they will see how she responds.
These are all steps in the right direction so far and so we say “thank-you Jesus and thanks friends for praying”.
Phil just talked to the doctor - Dr John Gouda talked to me. He feels she is kind of over the hump because there is little improvement in all areas. As long as there isn’t a curve ball. All depends on how she responds. So praise the Lord for this he answers prayer
5:30 pm
Just doing an ECG for the heart. It’s been a little bit irregular in the last bit
Doc is not too alarmed. Thinking electrolyte or mineral imbalance. She is doing about the same except she has a fever. Quite warm. When you go off dialysis your temperature can increase because that machine cools your blood and so you get a false temperature