Update Dec 28
On the 24th Renee was making a lot of progress on her oxygen levels and she was getting minimum support from the machine which made it look hopeful they could start weaning her off the ventilator. They did try for a few minutes but it seemed to be too much too fast. They have since brought up the oxygen to higher support than it was before all this happened and it seems she was setback more in that regard. I also think that experience has caused her to have some panic attacks and more fear about not being able to breathe. Please pray about that for her. If I was in her shoes I would be a complete basket case as breathing is pretty important to me!! They had her initiating more of her breathing for two hours today as they need to keep her exercising her lungs. In general they are giving her more support than they were earlier to help keep her more calm and just take their time with the process. I just gave her another foot rub and it is good to see her getting some good sleep now. She was able to visit with the nurse about her panic attacks and I think that helped to reassure her. The doctors didn't seem to be too concerned about needing to up her oxygen - they just said it will be a longer process to get her off of the oxygen support.
She is also concerned that her ability to hear people talking has gone down especially if they are more than approx. 4 ft away. Mentally she is doing well and we can chat about all kinds of things as much as I can lipread or she can write down or point to letters. We usually get it figured out. They did not find anything growing in the cultures they took from her lungs so that is a good sign. They are still doing a regular dialysis for her because of her potassium levels. Her kidneys are working to get the fluids through amazingly well but not functioning as they should be yet. Thanks for your continued prayers….
On another note…I also met my cousins here from Manitoba that came to see their granddaughter Stevie who is waiting at the U of A here for a heart transplant. She was born in July and her parents have been here at the hotel I am in since August. I think she might be getting close to the top of the wait list but can add them to your prayers.