Update & Prayer
Please continue to pray for Renee, her kidneys don’t seem to be improving too much yet and she is on dialysis every other day or so.
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Ups & Downs
Well, this is definitely a road of ups and downs. Renee has been having some bad pain in her right side…
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Praise & Prayer
Some more good news about Renee!! She was doing such a good job of initiating her breathing on the ventilator at the morning trial yesterday that she stayed on that setting all day!
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Update Dec 28
On the 24th Renee was making a lot of progress on her oxygen levels and she was getting minimum support from the machine which made it look hopeful they could start weaning her off the ventilator. They did try for a few minutes but it seemed to be too much too fast.
Update, Dec 24
So very thankful for the answers to prayer so far. Currently, she is resting well and her breaths per minute have dropped down to the lowest I have seen so those are all good signs.
Renee is Awake!!
Some good news today!! Renee is awake and nurses are pleased with how she is doing……
Dec 20 Update
She has had a few small signs of waking up that I have seen today so we are thankful for that. Still praying for the lungs, kidneys and heart…..
Keep Praying!
Renee is off all sedation medication at this point and they are seeing a bit of response to her waking up but if not seeing more tomorrow they may need to do a CT scan to check brain activity
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